Alex’s Weekly Check-In Weekly Check Ins (Alex)NameEmailDo you have any key takeaways, thoughts, or anything else you'd like to share about the week?Daily Weigh-InsEveryday of the week if possible pleaseMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayMeasurementsAt least once per monthChestRight Arm2" Above NavelNavel2" Below NavelHipsRight ThighHow many days did you track your food intake and stay within your goal ranges this week?Did you complete all of the workouts and cardio sessions/steps this week? If no, why not?What's one thing you impressed yourself with during the week? Or what's one positive thing that happened in your life during the week? Doesn't have to be fitness related.What's one thing you WILL do better in the upcoming week? Not try, but WILL. Make a commitment to it here. Doesn't have to be fitness relatedHow do you "feel" physically? (pick more than one if needed) Extremely Sore Somewhat Sore Exhausted Somewhat Tired Energized Not Tired, But Not Energized Amazing Decent None of the AboveRate your sleep for the previous week Amazing / Well Rested Pretty Good / No Compaints No the Best / Pretty Tired Terrible / Not at all RestedRate your hunger level through the previous week (only choose one that averages out the week) Always Starving Somewhat Hungry Pretty Satisfied Very Satisfied Uncomfortable Full*Rate your stress levels in your day to day life through the previous week Very High High Moderate Low No StressIs there anything in particular you are struggling with that I can better assist you with for the upcoming week?Do you have anything coming up this week that will hinder you from adhering to your current plan? If so, do have a plan to work through it, or would you like my help to create one? Let me know here.On a scale of 1-5 (1 being completely checked out mentally and 5 being extremely motivated and unstoppable), how do you feel about the upcoming week? Can't use a 3. Feel free to explain if you'd like.Anything else you might like to share, please leave it here.Submit Form